
Premenstrual Symptoms

Premenstrual Symptoms In Women

The menstrual cycle in women is triggered by a change in hormones. This means that some changes in mood, weight, and energy levels are expected. However, severe premenstrual symptoms can be a sign of hormone imbalance. Severe PMS can be debilitating and affect everyday life. Learn about severe premenstrual symptoms in women and how certified BioTE® providers may be able to help provide relief from PMS symptoms.

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What Are Normal Premenstrual Symptoms?

Premenstrual syndrome, or PMS, occurs in women before their menstrual cycles. Normal premenstrual symptoms in women include bloating, uterine cramping, headaches, tender breasts, sleep problems, low sex drive, lower back discomfort, constipation, and weight gain. Normal symptoms of PMS will also have some mood and behavioral symptoms. These PMS symptoms include low mood, irritability, anxiousness, decreased alertness, and withdrawal from family and friends. All normal PMS symptoms should not be severe or long-lasting enough to significantly impact the quality of a woman’s life. PMS occurs in the second half of the menstrual cycle, between ovulation and the beginning of menstrual bleeding. For many women, there will be a difference between cycles in the quantity of menstrual blood and the severity of PMS symptoms.

When Do Female PMS Symptoms Decline?

Premenstrual symptoms decline as a woman nears menopause and hormone levels decrease with aging. PMS symptoms may also become less severe when stress is managed, exercise is consistent, and diet is balanced.

What Is BHRT?

Bioidentical hormone replacement therapy, or BHRT, can help balance the hormones in a woman’s body and potentially lessen the symptoms of PMS. BioTE Medical’s method of BHRT may offer relief from premenstrual symptoms in the form of pellet therapy. Pellets release hormones into the body consistently, at a pace similar to our own body.